Strengthening eco-citizen capacities through education for sustainable development, via a Lebanese ‘lithothèque’ an E-platform
Objective of Action:
- Identification of natural assets and salient features of the region requiring the study.
- Identification of risks and threats.
Results of Action :
- Mapping of potential sites of natural assets and the risks caused by anthropogenic actions in centralBekaa.
- Awareness workshops with 30 municipalities.
First International Congress on Geoscience “Earth Sciences for Society” (ICG1) El Jadida, Morocco20th to 24th March 2018.
Oral presentation by :
Dr. Soumaya Ayadi.
Aspiring Geoparks potential in Lebanon’ Shouf-Jezzine Aspiring Geopark.
Conférence – CREEMO Université Saint Joseph
- needed strategies for their conservation, like founding of a geopark.
- It mainly targets academics, but also students, scientists, engineers, authorities and practitioners.
- It was prepared in collaboration between ACE and CREEMO (Centre de Recherche en Environnement-Espace Méditerranée Orientale) of Saint.
- Joseph University (USJ) and hosted at USJ.
Preparation for: The 4th International Conference on Geoparks in Africa and Middle East (ICGAME4). Lebanon 1-9 Avril 2020</p> <p>
Preparation for:
The 4th International Conference on Geoparks in Africa and Middle East (ICGAME4).
Lebanon 1-9 Avril 2020
Geodiversity Workshop 5 Celebrating the International Geodiversity Day
Objectives of Action:
In celebrating the UNESCO’s International Geodiversity Day, the Association for Geoconservation, Hong Kong (AGHK) organised a series of workshop.
The main themes of the workshops are based on the geodiversity of all continents around the globe except Antarctica.
Dr. Soumaya Ayadi, president of ACE, a Geology, Hydrology, and Environment teacher at USJ, Faculties of Sciences and Engineering, had the pleasure to be one of the speakers in the workshop, with a speech about Lebanon’s geodiversity as a resource for sustainable development and the need for geo-education.
The workshop focused on the geodiversity of The Middle East, a region of unique geology and landforms accompanied by an extremely diverse culture and long history.
Due to its political complications in recent decades, its geodiversity has seldom been publicized and is little known to many people around the globe.
Participation to the “International Forum for Environmental Humanities”
Association for Community and Environment – ACE
Participated in the “International Forum for Environmental Humanities” that was held in Byblos on November 10, 2022.
The forum was organized by CISH – UNESCO (International Center for Human Sciences).
Dr. Soumaya Ayadi, President of ACE, intervened through a presentation titled “Geodiversity as Bases for Biodiversity and Cultural Heritage”.
Training sessions Anjar Eco Park team and the local youth with information about Lebanese geology in general and the geology in Anjar in specific under the LiF project – LRI
Dr. Soumaya Ayadi, the president and geology expert of ACE,
Conducted a training workshop for the tour guides of Anjar Eco-Park on Geo-Ecotourism within the “Livelihoods in Forestry (LiF)” project, which was implemented by the LRI.
The combined field and lecture workshop noted Lebanon’s major geological diversity formations and notable geological events, with a focus on Anjar geology, surface water resources and its surroundings.
Objectives of Action:
-Introducing the geology in Lebanon to the eco-park team, and discuss the different geological assets available at Anjar and how they affect the water infiltration and the ecosystems…
-Organization of a field trip in Anjar to observe the different geological assets discussed previously and to learn how to provide the learnt information in a simple and easy way.
GeoEducation – GeoConservation</p> <p>
Objectives of Action:
Identification and Inventory of fossils of the region of Jezzine.
Setting up a methodology for Inventory.
Final report: Geographical and geological History of Lebanon and of Jezzine (Caza of Jezzine, South Lebanon).