Disassemble Storage of Hull of the Phoenician Ship
It started as a personal quest to reinforce cultural identity, appreciate crafts passed‐down byancestors and revitalize cultural ties with Carthage and other Phoenician cities.
After facingadministrative and technical hurdles, ACE rethought the project and it was decided to haltconstruction pending the creation of a funding mechanism for ship construction, andscientific elements. The project is being redesigned.
Protection through Valorization of three Heritage Geosites in Lebanon in a Perspective of Sustainable Development</p> <p>
– Studying geological and geomorphological aspects of sites (mapping, photo-interpretation, GIS)
– Highlighting the anthropic action on sites: (environmental degradation, extension of urbanization)through diachronic approach of various documents (maps, aerial photos)
– Conduct surveys to understand the perception of these sites by the concerned populations(inhabitants, various actors, tourists)
Results of Action:
Contribution of geo-conservation to the sustainable development of concerned regions.
“Eco-Geotourism” initiative to valorize the Ras El Ain springs as a significant geo-site.
Objectives of Project:
– Creating a scientific base presentation and promotional material for the geologic and hydrologic resources of Tyre with focus on Ras El Ain
– Better understand the springs water sources and thus develop further tourism and research material
– Better understanding of the source of aquifer to permit protection of the recharge area and aquifers feeding into those springs.
– Advocate for the protection and sensitize the population at large on acting responsibly and limit actions that contribute to pollution of the aquifers
– Examine the general geological and hydrogeological setting of the water sources, their historical context, and the existing environmental and social pressures
– Understanding the potential polluting factors to promote environmental protection.
GeoEducation – GeoConservation
Objectives of Action:
Identification and inventory of fossils of the region of Jezzine
Setting up a methodology for inventory
Final report : Geographical and geological History of Lebanon and of Jezzine (Casa of Jezzine , South Lebanon)